To start, here’s a reskinned Boba Fett in the flavor of Jango: The reskins below are all made by Clonetrooper163. The clips below and images come from Cinematic Captures, who has been sharing some awesome creations over the past couple days.

However, even more customization options have arrived since I first wrote about mods on Friday.

I’ve already highlighted some of the cool things that are now moddable, such as the novatrooper and Hero Blast. The tools also enable deeper editing of the game’s files, which could lead to some interesting mods down the road. The Frosty Tools currently enable users to swap out character skins and unlock hidden menu items in Battlefront. This recent awakening is thanks to advancements on the Frosty Tools Suite, a collection of tools that enable the editing of EA’s Frostbite engine (which was used to build Battlefront).

In the past several days, a storm has been rising in the Battlefront community: Mods are finally becoming a reality for the PC edition of EA’s 2015 game.